K. Sumanth Reddy
What are the common sights and sounds on Osmania University campus these days?
It’s either birthday celebrations in the backdrop of the famous Arts College building, or people giving political sound bytes and posing for photos. It’s either protest rallies, or random people relaxing in the lawns. Since it is Sankranthi season, one cannot miss kite-flying in the campus garden.
It is often said that Osmania is one of the oldest universities in India. Yes it is. It was established in 1917, and completed its 107th year in 2024. The university produced many scientists, academicians, political leaders and other high achievers in different streams.
Osmania University used to be a brand. What is it now? It is a different brand with a different public image.
The campus has virtually become a tourist spot. Since one hears funds as a reason for every problem in the University, why not build a revenue model to benefit from all the “tourists”?

Seriously, are these not a distraction for students and their studies? Why is the University allowing this? Creating a closed campus can solve all these problems. Neighbouring EFLU’s neat, well-maintained, closed campus serves as a good reference for OU.
This is a silent but genuine demand of many students.
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